_heights arts_ Blog

gallery shop artists

Judith Angelo

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judith angelo text-driven art

text (tkst) n.

1. a The original words

of something written or

printed or sung or spoken

or walked past on the street…

driv-en (drvn) adj.

1. Piled up or carried along by current.

2. Motivated by or having a compulsive quality.

3. Caused, sustained or stimulated.

4. Powered, operated or controlled.

5. all of me above.


Always and again, language has stopped me ,

filled me with a sense of recognition, challenge, encouragement,

and most of all, companionship.


Words illuminate our needs even as they name

our personal capacity to provide for ourselves.


For the most part my work is a straightforward ‘prayer of action’

– an engaged meditation on those powers.


(art: assemblage & collage, handmade & altered books, calligraphy & handlettering)

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