Meredith Holmes: 2015-16 Cleveland Heights Poet Laureate

The Heights Arts Board, through its Heights Writes Committee, is pleased to announce the selection of Meredith Holmes as the seventh City of Cleveland Heights Poets Laureate. We are deeply appreciative of the service provided by our sixth Poet Laureate Kathleen Cerveny, who retires from her honorary position at the end of April, National Poetry Month.
Meredith served for one year as the first Cleveland Heights Poet Laureate in 2005 and will serve her second, one-year term from May, 2015 through April, 2016. Her poems have been published in journals, including, most recently, Flyover Country Review and Literary Mama. Meredith’s poems have also appeared in several anthologies, including Garrison Keillor’s Good Poems for Bad Times; the Kattywompus Press collection While You Were Sleeping I Dreamt a Poem; Awake at the End, published by Heights Arts and Bottom Dog Press; and the upcoming How Higher Education Feels, edited by Dr. Kathleen Quinlan. Her book, Shubad’s Crown, was published in 2003 by Pond Road Press. Meredith’s second book of poems published by Pond Road Press, entitled I’m Not From Here, is due out in 2015. She is part of two, long-running poetry groups that help keep her in the writing life.
Meredith will be officially inducted by The City of Cleveland Heights and Heights Arts on Monday, April 6, 2015 at 7:30pm. Held at Cleveland Heights City Hall, the community is invited to attend the presentation, in which both incoming and outgoing poet laureates will read.