Call for Businesses – HEART in the Heights
Is your business in the Heights, or do you have customers from the Heights? Sign your buisiness up today to participate in HEART in the Heights!
Here’s how it works in summary:
By signing up, you will engage in a month-long, friendly competition with other small businesses, each with a goal to raise $1000 for the arts during the month of July. You will provide a raffle item or service with a value of $50.00 or more, and will have your own, unique fundraising page which Heights Arts will create for you. Your customers will be able to purchase raffle tickets through their phones using your unique QR and text code leading to your unique fundraising page at $5.00 per entry, with incentive to give more by getting an extra entry for every $15.00 they contribute.
We will also include your business in our promotions and mailings to approximately 10,000 residents, so people can donate from anywhere in support of your business and the arts. The business that raises the most funds will win a private event in our space on Lee Road for them and their employees.
So, are you in? We hope so!
Learn more and SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE before May 31st!