Curated by Andrea Joki, this special exhibition features the works of Shelly DiCello, Tom Balbo, Tim Callaghan, Laura Cooperman, Julie Friedman, Sarah Kabot, Margaret Kimura, Michael Loderstedt, Liz Maugans, Pam McKee, Darice Polo, Corrie Slawson, Dan Tranberg, Achala Wali, and Trudy Wiesenberger.
August 22, 2012 Nature Center at Shaker Lakes with poet Kathleen CervenyCreating poems and origami, Kathleen Cerveny was a hit as our last Pop-Up Poet of the summer at the Nature Center…
POP-UP-POETRY! Expect the Unexpected The Poet is IN! Heights Arts presented Pop-Up Poetry June-August 2012. Pop-Up Poetry was a project designed by 2011-12 Cleveland Heights Poet Laureate Cavana Faithwalker to bring some of the region’s most interesting poets to the streets. The…