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Ekphrastacy: Members Show 2020, “Black Horse”

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Invisible Storm

by Amanda Stovicek D’Alessandro


Black Horse

by Jean Hoffman


The muscles knot in anticipation.

One cheek pressed against another

a thin layer of fire blend together.

The shape of the body is monstrous kept

afloat on spindles and thin bones and

blood. There are abandoned horses

everywhere. They’ve closed the barns

burned to ash and released animals

in confusion. Run to the mountains

livestock gather in packs, solid masses,

muscles, threaded hooves, and myth.

The black horse strains at the bit. One

hand pressed against another cold.

The pop of a shoulder falling into place.

How beautiful the steam rising

from their bodies. How beautiful the

thunder of retreat.


Jean Hoffman, Artist: Jean Hoffman works in mixed media creating abstract images in ink, acrylics, watercolor, pencil and collage that capture mental landscapes influenced by nature and family history with a touch of whimsy.


Amanda Stovicek D’Alessandro, Poet: Amanda Stovicek D’Alessandro is a poet from Northeast Ohio made of star stuff. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Gordon Square Review, sidereal magazine, BARNHOUSE, Nice Cage, and others. Her debut micro-chapbook, SPACE SPECTACULAR, was published by Ghost City Press in the 2018 Summer Series. You can find her at https://amstovicek.com/. 



Please enjoy this video for Ekphrastacy April 2020 in Response to Members Show 2020:


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